

Lipschutz, R., Kulesz, P. A., Elgbeili, G., Biekman, B., Laplante, D. P., Olson, D. M., King,S., Bick, J. (2024). Maternal mental health mediates the effect of prenatal stress on infant temperament: The Harvey Mom Study. Development and Psychopathology, 36(2), 893–907.



Merril, L., Lipschutz,R., Li, X., Shen, S., Ortiz-Jimenez, A., Bick, J. (2024). Age-dependent associations between RSA reactivity, affective and cognitive regulation, and psychopathology risk in young children exposed to varying levels of socioeconomic. Developmental Psychobiology, 66(4), e22487


Muñoz, J.S., Giles, M.E., Vaughn, K.A., Wang, Y., Landry, S.H., Bick,J.R., DeMaster, D.M. (2024).Parenting Influences on Frontal Lobe Gray Matter and Preterm Toddlers’ problem- Solving Skills. Children, 11(2), 206


Cifre, A.B.,Budnick, C.J., Bick, J., McGlinchey, E.L., Ripple, C.H.,Wolfson, A.R., Alfano, C.A., (2024). Sleep Health among Children Adopted from Foster Care: The Moderating Effect of Parent–Child Sleep Interactions. Behavioral Sleep Medicine (1-15)



Severson, E., Olson, J. K., Hyde, A., Brémault-Phillips, S., Spiers, J., King, S., Bick, J., Lipschutz, R., Verstraeten, B. S. E., & Olson, D. M. (2023). Experiencing trauma during or before pregnancy: Qualitative secondary analysis after two disasters. Maternal and Child Health Journal


Lipschutz., R., Kulesz, P., Eligebelli, G., Biekman, B., Laplante, D., King, S., Bick, J. (2023) Maternal mental health mediates the effect of prenatal stress on infant temperament: The Harvey Mom Study. Development and Psychopathology, 1-15.


Bick, J., Lipschutz, R., Tabachinick, A., Biekman, B., Katz,D., Simons, R., Dozier, M. (2022). Timing of adoption is associated with electrophysiological brain activity and externalizing problems among children adopted internationally . Developmental Psychobiology, 64(4), e22249.

Walker, JH, Venta, A., Bechelli, J., Brewer, TM, Biosvert, D., Bick, J, Lewis, R., Wells, J., Armstrong, T. (2022) . Testing the role of inflammation in the relation of childhood maltreatment and suicidal ideation among young adults. Journal of Psychology,  1-13.

Atrooz, F., Chen, TA, Biekman, B., Alrousan, G., Bick, J., Salim, S. (2022). Displacement and isolation: insights from a mental stress survey of Syrian refugees in Houston, Texas, USA. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(5), 2547.

Cohen, L. S., Rhodes, S. M., Claypoole, L.D., Góez-Mongollón, L., Sosinsky, A. Z., Moustafa,D., Noe,O. B., McElhenry, S.A., Cheng, L. J., Bick, J. R., Freeman, M. P., Nelson, C.A. (2022). Neurobehavioral follow- up of children exposed to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in utero. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry: official journal of the American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists, 34(3), 197-206.   

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Burgess, A., Hernandez, S. M., Li, X., Bick, J., & Pollonini, L. (2021, April). Correlation between socioeconomic disadvantage in preschool children and brain organization: a functional NIRS connectivity study. In Optics and the Brain (pp. BW4B-5). Optical Society of America.

Li, X., Lipschutz, R., Montero Hernandez, S., Biekman, B., Shen, S., Montgomery, D. A., Perlman S. B., Pollonini, L., & Bick, J. (2021). Links between socioeconomic disadvantage, neural function, and working memory in early childhood. Developmental Psychology, 63(3).

Venta, A., Bechelli, J., Bick, J., Brewer, T. M., Boisvert, D., Wells, J., Lewis, R. H., Amrstrong, T. (2021) . Inflammatory and environmental contributions to social information processing. Attachment & Human Development, 24(4),461-476.

Lipschutz, R., & Bick, J. (2021). Developmental Psychopathology. In A. Venta, C. Sharp, J. M. Fletcher, P. Fonagy (Eds.), Developmental Psychopathology (pp. 18-34). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Child, A. E., Warren, E. A., Grosshans, D. R., Paulino, A. C., Okcu, M. F., Ris, M. D., Mahajan, A., Orobio, J., Cirino, P. T., Minard, C. G., Viana, A. G., Bick, J., Woods, S. P., Chintagumpala, M., Kahalley L. S. (2021) Long-term cognitive and academic outcomes among pediatric brain tumor survivors treated with proton versus photon radiotherapy. Journal of Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 68(9), e29125.

Burgess, A., Hernandez, S. M., Li, X., Bick, J., & Pollonini, L. (2021) Correlation between socioeconomic disadvantage in preschool children and brain organization: a functional NIRS connectivity study. Biophotonics Congress: Optics in the Life Sciences, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2021), paper BW4B.5.

Venta, A., Bick, J., & Bechelli, J. (2021) COVID-19 threatens maternal mental health and infant development: possible paths from stress and isolation to adverse outcomes and a call for research and practice. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 52, 200-204.

Paquin, V., Bick, J., Lipschutz, R., Elgbeili, G., Laplante, D. P., Biekman, B., Brunet, A., King, S., & Olson, D. (2021) Unespected effects of expressive writing on post-disaster distress in the Hurricane Harvey Study: a randomized control trial in perinatal women. Psychological Medicine, 1-9.

Vanwoerden, S., Penner, F., Pearson, C., Bick, J., Yoshida, H., & Sharp, C. (2021) Testing the link between mothers’ general reflective function capacity and adolescent borderline personality features: perceived parenting behaviors as a potential mechanism. Journal of Personality Disorders, 35(B, Suppl.), S56-S73.

Fischer, T., Cirino, P. T., DeMaster, D., Alfano, C., Bick, J., Fan, W., & Ewing-Cobbs, L. (2021) Frontostriatal white matter integrity relations with “cool” and “hot” self-regulation after pediatric traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurotrauma, 38(1) 1-9.


Barbot, Baptiste, et al. “Manifesto for New Directions in Developmental Science.” New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, vol. 2020, no. 172, July 2020, pp. 135–149. 

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Porto, Juliana A., Bick, Johanna, et al. “The Influence of Maternal Anxiety and Depression Symptoms on FNIRS Brain Responses to Emotional Faces in 5- and 7-Month-Old Infants.” Infant Behavior and Development, vol. 59, 16 Apr. 2020, p. 101447., doi:10.1016/j.infbeh.2020.101447.

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Bick, Johanna, and Rebecca Lipschutz. “THE NEUROBIOLOGICAL EMBEDDING OF EARLY SOCIAL DEPRIVATION IN CHILDREN EXPOSED TO INSTITUTIONAL REARING.” The Routledge Handbook of Adoption, by Gretchen Miller Wrobel et al., Ashgate, 2020, pp. Part IV: Outcomes-Ch. 26. 

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Bick, J., Lipschutz, R., Lind, T., Zajac, L., and Dozier, M. (2019). Associations between early home environment and trajectories of disruptive behavior among preschoolers reared in CPS-referred families. Developmental Child Welfare.

Kosten, TA., Bick, J. (2019) Introduction to the special issue on translational evidence of behavioral and biological consequences of early life experience. International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience. 78.

Bick, J., Palmwood, E.N., Zajac, L., Simons, R., & Dozier, M. (2019). Early Parenting Intervention and Adverse Family Environments Affect Neural Function in Middle Childhood. Biological Psychiatry, 85, 326-335.

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DeMaster, D., Bick, J., Johnson, U., Montroy, J.J., Landry, S., & Duncan, A.F. (2019). Nurturing the Preterm Infant Brain: Leveraging Neuroplasticity to Improve Neurobehavioral Outcomes. Pediatric Research. 85, 166-175. 

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Warren, E., Child, A., Cirino,P., Grosshans, D., Mahajan, A., Paulino, A., Chintagumpala, M., Okcu,F., Ris, D. M., Minard, C., Viana, A., Bick, J., Woods, S., Orobio,J., Xue, J., Kahalley, L.(2018) . QOL-42. Better social, cognitive, and academic outcomes among pediatric brain tumor survivors treated with proton versus photon radiation therapy. Neuro-Oncology. 20(2)

Bick, J., Fox, N.A., Zeanah, C.H., & Nelson, C.A., (2018). Memory and Executive Functioning in 12‐Year‐Old Children With a History of Institutional Rearing. Child Development.

Lipschutz, R., Bick, J., Nguyen, V., Lee, M., Grigorenko, E., Bucala, R., Mayes, L., Crowley, M. (2018). Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) gene is associated with adolescents’ cortisol reactivity and anxiety. Psychoneuroendocrinology.


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Bick, J., Fox, N.A., Zeanah, C.H., Fox, N.A., Nelson, C.A. (2017). Effects of early institutionalization on emotion processing in 12-year-youth. Development and Psychopathology.


Luyster, R., Bick, J., Westerlund, A., & Nelson, C.A. (2017). Testing the effects of expression, intensity, and age on emotional face processing in ASD. Neuropsychologia.

Bick, J., & Nelson, C.A. (2017). Early experience and brain development. WIREs Developmental Biology.


Bick, J., & Nelson, C.A. (2016). Early adverse experiences and the developing brain. Neuropsychopharmacology, doi: 10.1038/npp.2015.252.

Grigorenko, E., Bick, J., Campbell, D., Lewine, G., Abrams, J., Nguyen, V., & Chang, J. (2016). The trilogy of G X E: Genes, environment and their interactions: Conceptualization, Operationalization, and Application. In D. Cicchetti (Ed). Developmental Psychopathology, 3rd Edition. Wiley Press.

Barbot, B., Bick, J., Bentley, M.J, Balestracci, K., Woolston, J., Adnopoz, J., Grigorenko, E. (2016). Changes in mental health outcomes with the Intensive In-Home Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Service: A multi-informant, latent consensus approach. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research. doi: 10.1002/mpr.1477.


Bick, J. & Nelson, C.A. (2015). Early Adversity: What does the latest brain research tell us? Early Childhood Matters, 124, 10-13.

Bick, J., Zhu, T., Stamoulis, C., Fox, N.A., Zeanah, C.H., & Nelson, C.A. (2015). Effect of early institutionalization and foster care on long-term white matter development: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Pediatrics, 169, 211-219.

Bick, J., Nguyen, V., Leng, L., Piecychna, M., Crowley, M., Bucala, R., Mayes, L., & Grigorenko, E. (2015). Preliminary associations between childhood neglect, MIF, and cortisol: Potential pathways to long-term disease risk. Developmental Psychobiology, 57, 131-139.

Bernard, K., Dozier, M., Bick, J., & Gordon, M.K. (2014). Intervening to enhance cortisol regulation among children at risk for neglect: Results of a randomized clinical trial. Development and Psychopathology, 27, 829-841.



Bick, J., Zajac, K., Ralston, M.E., & Smith, D. (2014). Convergence and divergence in reports of maternal support following childhood sexual abuse: Prevalence and associations with youth psychosocial adjustment. Child Abuse and Neglect, 38, 479-487.


Szyf, M., & Bick, J. (2013). DNA Methylation: A Mechanism for Embedding Early Life Experiences in the Genome. Child Development, 84, 49-57.

Bick, J., Dozier, M., Bernard, K., Grasso, D., & Simons, R. (2013). Foster Mother-Infant Bonding: Associations Between Foster Mothers’ Oxytocin Production, Electrophysiological Brain Activity, Feelings of Commitment, and Caregiving Quality. Child Development, 84, 826-840.

Bick, J., & Dozier, M. (2013). The Effectiveness of an Attachment-Based Intervention in Increasing Foster Mothers’ Sensitivity toward Foster Infants. Journal of Infant Mental Health, 34, 95-103.

Campbell, D., Bick., J., Yrigollen, C., Lee, M., Chang, J., & Grigorenko, E. (2013). Schooling and variation in the COMT gene: the devil is in the details. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 54, 1056-1065.

Bick, J., Bernard, K., & Dozier, M. (2013). In N. E. Suchman, M. Pajulo, & L. C. Mayes (Eds.), Attachment-based intervention for substance using mothers of infants. Parenting and substance addiction: Developmental approaches to intervention. New York: Oxford.


Bick, J., & Dozier, M. (2012). Convergence between attachment classifications and natural reunion behavior among children and parents in a child-care setting. Attachment and Human Development, 14, 1-10.

Bernard, K., Dozier, M., Bick, J., Lewis, E., Lindhiem, O., & Carlson, E. (2012). Enhancing attachment organization among maltreated children: Results of a randomized clinical trial. Child Development, 83, 623-636.

Bick, J., Dozier, M., & Moore, S. (2012). Predictors of treatment use among foster mothers in an attachment-based intervention program. Attachment and Human Development, 14, 439-452.

Bick, J., Naumova, O., Hunter, S., Barbot, B., Lee, M., Luthar., S., Raefski., A., & Grigorenko, E. (2012). Childhood Adversity and DNA Methylation of Genes involved in the HPA axis and Immune System: Whole Genome and Candidate Gene Associations. Development and Psychopathology, 24, 1417-1425.



Dozier, M., Bick, J., & Bernard, K. (2011). Intervening with Foster Parents to Enhance Biobehavioral Outcomes Among Infants and Toddlers. Zero to Three Journal, 31, 17-22.

Dozier, M., Bick, J., & Bernard, K. (2011). Attachment-based treatment for young, vulnerable children. In J. Osofsky (Ed.), Clinical work with traumatized children. New York: Guilford.


Bick, J., & Dozier M. (2010). Mothers’ oxytocin production following close physical interactions with biological and non-biological Children. Developmental Psychobiology, 52, 100-107.

2009 and earlier

Bick, J., Dozier, M. (2009). A review of ” Promoting positive parenting: An attachment-based intervention”. Adoption Quarterly. 12(1). 53-54

Dozier, M., Lindhiem, O., Lewis, E., Bick, J., Bernard, K., & Peloso, M. (2009). Effects of a foster parent training program on young children’s attachment behaviors: Preliminary evidence from a randomized clinical trial. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 26, 321-332

Bick, J., & Dozier, M. (2008). The role of parent state of mind in an intervention for foster parents. In H. Steele and M. Steele (Eds.), The Adult Attachment Interview in clinical context. New York: Guilford.

Dozier, M., & Bick, J. (2007). Changing caregivers: Coping with early adversity. Psychiatric Annals, 37, 411-415.