Meet the LEEDers

Meet the talented individuals who form the backbone of our team at LEED. Each member brings a unique set of skills, experiences, and passion to the table, contributing to our collective success. Together, we foster a dynamic and collaborative environment where innovation thrives. Explore the profiles below to get acquainted with the faces driving excellence and shaping the future at LEED.

Johanna Bick

Dr. Johanna Bick is an Associate Professor in the Psychology Department at the University of Houston.

Livia Merrill

Livia’s main research interests explore how adversity affects various aspects of childhood development and the relationships among different factors that contribute to resiliency. For her dissertation, she is currently examining the effects of prenatal stress exposure from Hurricane Harvey on the preschool brain and behavior.

Xinge Li

Xinge’s primary research focus revolves around examining the influence of familial environmental factors, such as family stress, maternal psychological distress, and parenting style, on child psychopathology through the lens of developmental neuroscience.

Kelly Barry

Kelly’s research focuses on understanding how experiences of stress impact brain development during sensitive developmental periods. She is particularly interested in identifying neuroendocrine and cognitive processes that confer risk for psychopathology.

Haley Laughlin

Haley’s research interests include investigating the sources of individual variability of outcomes in children who experience stress and adversity.

Andrea Ortiz

Andrea is a post-bacc in the lab with a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Houston in 2021. She is interested in researching the biological predictors of psychopathology in children following traumatic events.

Anna Galvan

Anna is a research assistant in the lab with a B.S in Psychology and a minor in Biology. She graduated from University of Houston in December 2021. She joined the team in February 2022 and is interested in understanding child’s brain development and how their environments may influence development.

Aila Kahn

Aila is an undergraduate research assistant in our lab. She is currently assisting in hand editing the EEG data for our sustained attention task, supervised by Haley Laughlin.

Maya Flores

Maya is an undergraduate research assistant in our lab. She is currently assisting in hand editing the EEG data for our sustained attention task, supervised by Haley Laughlin.

Holden Frick

Holden is a summer intern in our lab. He is currently assisting with our MRI data, under the supervision of Livia Merrill. 

Ashlie Mai

Ashlie is a summer undergraduate research assistant in our lab. She is currently assisting in EEG data collection and coding previously collected data , supervised by Andrea & Anna.

April Aragon

April is a summer undergraduate research assistant in our lab. She is currently assisting in EEG data collection and coding previously collected data , supervised by Andrea & Anna.

Leslie Perez

Leslie is a summer undergraduate research assistant in our lab. She is currently assisting in EEG data collection and coding previously collected data , supervised by Andrea & Anna.

LEED Alumni

Graduate Students

Rebecca Lipschutz

Brian Biekman

Shutian Shen

Parsa Taheri

Research Assistants

Meghan Chan

Ashley Acuna

Maya Ibrahim

Ainash Montgomery

Mikayla Gilliam

Laura Delgado

Maiah Jackson

Oluwashina Ojo

Deja Hatcher

Miranda Dominguez

Kate Koontz

Emmanuel Oketunmbi

Juan Pablo Guardia

Marie Douge

Hana Mohamad

Camila Quintero

Mariana Ramos-Celedon

Natalie Hosseini

Nesreen Mattar

Catherine Ramos