LEED Updates

  • July 15, 2024

    Laboratory of Early Experiences and Development had a great time hosting a neuroimaging training for special guests from Bangladesh and Sam Houston University. 

  • June 30, 2024

    Congratulations to Xinge Li, as she starts her first day at her internship. We wish her the best.  

  • June 20, 2024

    Congratulations to Haley Laughlin, as she was invited to present at FIT'NG (Fetal, Infant, & Toddler Neuroimaging Group) conference this September in Baltimore, MD.

  • June 19, 2024

    Congratulations to Livia Merrill Andrea Ortiz-Jimenez, and Anna Galvan for getting their posters accepted into the annual FLUX conference. 

  • May 14, 2024

    LEED welcomes 2 new summer volunteers. Welcome to the team April Aragon and Ashlie Mai!

  • April 20, 2024

    Laboratory of Early Experiences and Development participated in  Race to Camp 5K Fun Run on Saturday, April 20th! 

    We had a blast spending time outside with such beautiful weather and running to help raise money for kids the opportunity to attend a summer camp.

  • April 16, 2024

    LEED welcomes a new volunteer intern to the team; Holden Frick!

  • March 14, 2024

    Laboratory of Early Experiences and Development and Children's Learning Institute had a great time volunteering together at Brain Night for KIDS at the Houston Health Museum. We really enjoyed seeing children excited to learn more about the brain. 

  • March 6, 2024

    Livia Merrill has won a CLASS summer fellowship! Congratulations!

  • March 8, 2024

    Livia Merrill’s paper “Age-Dependent Associations Between RSA Reactivity, Affective and Cognitive Regulation and Psychopathology Risk in Young Children Exposed to Varying Level of Socioeconomic Disadvantage” has been accepted for publication in the Developmental Psychobiology journal.

  • February 21, 2024

    Xinge Li has successfully matched with an internship program.

  • January 26, 2024

    Today is Developmental , Cognitive, and Behavioral Neuroscience (DCBN) interview day! Laboratory of Early Experiences and Development is happy to welcome new applicants for their interviews. Graduate students and staff have prepared presentations of the work LEED has done and also they will talk about the personal projects they are working on. 

  • January 2024

    Congratulations to Xinge Li, as she is currently going through some interviews this month for potential interships opportunities. Good luck!

  • Spring 2024

    It's the start of a new semester! Wishing all our graduate and undergraduate students the best of luck this semester in their studies! We are looking forward to seeing the projects everyone will be working on throughout the semester. 

  • December 20, 2023

    Congratulations to Shutian Shen for  starting her new job this week. It was a pleasure having you here at at the Laboratory of Early Experiences and Development, we all wish you the best in your future ! 

  • October 2023

    Laboratory of Early Experience and Development was able to connect with parents and inform them about who we are and talk to them about our work at Discovery Green during Toddler Tuesdays.

  • September 6th- 9th 2023

    Laboratory of Early Experiences and Development  learned a lot at the Flux 2023 conference in Santa Rosa, California. Congratulations to Xinge Li, Kelly Barry, Haley Laughlin, and Anna Galvan, they did such an incredible job presenting their posters.

  • July 27th, 2023

    Congratulations to Dr. Rebecca Lipschutz, for successfully defending her doctoral thesis!

  • July 10th -14th , 2023

    Laboratory of Early Experiences and Development had a great time hosting a week long neuroimaging training for special guests from Bangladesh and Sam Houston University. 

  • June 15, 2023

     Congratulations to Shutian Shen, Xinge Li,  Kelly Barry, Haley Laughlin, and Anna Galvan for getting their posters accepted into the annual Flux conference. 


  • June 2023

    LEED welcomes new undergraduate research assistant to the team; Megan Chan 

  • May 2023

    DCBN student, Shutian Shen, successfully defended her master's thesis.

  • March 21, 2023

    Congrats to our graduate students, Kelly Barry and Parsa Taheri (left to right in photo). They did a great job presenting their posters at this year's Society for Research in Child Development conference ( SRSD) from March 21-23.    

  • January 30, 2023

    Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student, Rebecca Lipschutz, had her manuscript accepted for publication in Devlopment and Psychopathology.

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    January 19, 2023

    Child Clinical Psychology Doctoral student, Xinge Li, has passed her Clinical Psychology COMPS Exam!

  • January 2023

    LEED welcomes two new undergraduate research assistants to the team;  Alia Khan and Maya Flores

  • December 2022

    LEED’s WOMBS (Women's Experience and Baby Brain Study)  study and has officially stopped collecting data and is now moving on to analyzing the data they have collected.

  • November 16, 2022

    It’s Picture day here at LEED Lab.  

    Top row: Livia Merril, Hayley Laughlin, and Andrea Ortiz Jimenez

    Middle row: Shutian Shen, Xinge Li, Deja Hatcher, and Anna Galvan

    Bottom row: Kelly Barry, Dr. Johanna Bick, and Parsa Taheri  

  • November 9-11th 2022

    Dr. Johanna Bick, Livia Merrill and Andrea Ortiz Jimenez attend the International Society for Developmental Psychology (ISDP) in San Diego. Livia and Andrea did a great job presenting their posters at the conference.

  • September 2022

    Xinge Li, Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student, presented a poster at the 2022 FLUX Conference.

  • September 2022

    Livia Merrill and Andrea Ortiz Jimenez's posters were accepted to the 2022 ISDP conference.

  • August 3, 2022

    Undergraduate Research Assistant, Juan Pablo Guardia, has completed his SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship) internship with LEED Lab this summer. Working with 2 different LEED projects PANDA, and WOMBS, furthering his understanding in research. 

  • August 26 2022

    LEED welcomes the newest additions to our team! From left to right: Kelly Barry, Clinical Psychology Doctoral student, Haley Laughlin, DCBN student, and Parsa Taheri, DCBN student.

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    June 2022

    Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student, Xinge Li, defended her master's thesis.

  • June 30, 2022

    LEED’s  PANDA (Preschool, Neurodevelopment and Adjustment)  study and has officially stopped collecting data and is now moving on to analyzing the data they have collected. 

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    May 2022

    DCBN Student, Livia Merrill, defended her master's thesis.

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    May 2022

    DCBN Student, Livia Merrill, passed her Qualifying Exam and entered doctoral candidacy!

  • April 2022

    DCBN Student, Livia Merrill, was awarded the Anh Lac Tran Scholarship.

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    March 15, 2022

    University of Houston writes an article on a pilot study that was conducted by researchers in the UH College of Pharmacy and UH Department of Psychology.  Dr. Johanna Bick(director of LEED) and Brian Biekman(LEED graduate student) were a part of this collaboration. Article can be found by the following link: https://www.uh.edu/news-events/stories/2022-news-articles/march-2022/03152022-syrian-refugees-mental-health-salim-bick.php

  • March 13, 2022

    Congratulations to Anna Galvan on her promotion as a Research Technician 1.

  • March 5, 2022

    Congratulations to Andrea Ortiz Jimenez , Post Bacc Research tech who has been promoted to LEED's new lab manager!

  • February 10, 2022

    LEED Lab welcomes 3 new research assistants into the team; Anna Galvan, Mariana Ramos- Celedon, and Juan Pablo Guardia.

  • November 2021

    Shutian Shen's poster was accepted at ISDP's annual meeting.

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    October 2021

    Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student, Xinge Li, gave an oral presentation at the fNIRS Virtual Conference.

  • August 2021

    LEED having fun explaining how to measure brain function with EEG and FNIRS with kids at The Mayor’s Back to School Festival.

  • August 2021

    Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student, Rebecca Lipschutz, received the Cullen Graduate Student Success Fellowship (CGSSF) help fund her dissertation research on prenatal stress and infant development!

  • May 2021

    LEED receives pilot funding from UH Division of Research to examine how prenatal stress and other risk and protective factors shapes brain development even before birth! This study is a collaboration with Dr. Magda Sanz-Cortez and Stephen Kralik at Baylor College of Medicine

  • April 2021

    DCBN Student, Livia Merrill, presented a poster for the Society of Research in Child Development conference.

  • April, 2021

    Brian Biekman was awarded the Clinical Case Presentation Award as part of UH’s clinical program’s Diversity Day.

  • Spring, 2021

    UH interviewed Dr. Bick and Rebecca Lipschutz about the Harvey Mom Study and how Hurricane Harvey impacts child development.

  • August, 2020

    LEED welcomes new DCBN program graduate student, Livia Merrill!

  • Fall 2020

    LEED receives funding from NIH to collaboratively examine how a remotely delivered early parenting intervention can support healthy self regulation and brain development in toddlers born extremely preterm! This is a collaboration with Drs. Susan Landry and Dana DeMaster at UTHealth

  • Fall 2020

    LEED receives funding from NIH to collaboratively examine prenatal stress influences biomarkers of health and brain development. This is a collaboration with Drs. Kjersti Aagaard and Suter at Baylor College of Medicine

  • Fall 2019

    LEED welcomes two new graduate students: Shutian Shen (DCBN program) and Xinge Li (Child Clinical Psychology Program)! 

  • July 31, 2018

    Dr. Bick was quoted in the New York Times on the developmental impact of traumatic separation from parents in migrant families.


  • July 12, 2018

    LEED study featured on NPR’s “The Pulse: “Does a mom’s stress affect her offspring for generations?”


  • May 30, 2018

    LEED featured on Houston Public Media about New Hurricane Harvey Study on maternal stress and child development.


  • February 14, 2018

    LEED is interviewed by ABC 13 about a new study on how Hurricane Harvey related stress may impact pregnant mothers and their babies.


  • Fall 2017

    LEED launches the "Hurricane Harvey Mom Study" to examine how prenatal stress from a natural disaster influences maternal well being and infant outcomes. This study is a collaboration with Dr. Suzanne King at McGill and Douglas Mental Health Center

  • Fall 2017

    LEED welcomes graduate students Rebecca Lipschutz (Child Clinical Psychology Track) and Brian Biekman (Clinical Neuropsychology Track)! 

  • Fall 2017

    Laboratory of Early Experience and Development at UH is open for research!